The Surprising Power of Informal Networks - Thought Leadership Brief with Richard Santos Lalleman
In this 1 hour virtual brief, Richard Santos Lalleman will open up your eyes to the surprising power of informal networks inside organizations. He will come with practical cases, anecdotes, and hardcore data to show you why the informal networks of people inside an organization matter to areas, such as performance, retention, well-being, innovation, and change success.
The brief is perfectly suited for teams and groups who want to stay at the forefront of organizational and leadership thinking. The session will be interactive and mind-blowing. Amongst others, you will learn about the 3% rule - that only 3% of your employees determine the perceptions of 90% of their colleagues - and the Six Change Blockers that keep organizations from succeeding with organizational change.
- Richard Santos Lalleman is Head of Learning, Innovation, and Quality. With a track record of more than 15+ years in the field of knowledge management and organizational learning, Richard knows how leaders use the insights of organizational networks to transform successfully. Richard is also the facilitator of the Organizational Network Club - a global peer-to-peer learning community that allows its club members to share and co-create ideas and to meet monthly to discuss how to apply network thinking to change, collaboration, and innovation.
- Innovisor is a boutique advisory and global front-runner within change analytics and organizational network analysis. The work of Innovisor has been featured in numerous podcasts, +20 bestselling business books, and in global media outlets, such as CNN, BBC, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and FAST Company.
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1 hour virtual thought leadership talk on the surprising power of informal networks